
Welcome to Suki Loves to Sew where you will find beautiful quilting fabrics, sewing hints and tips and ideas for lots of lovely things to make.

My Mum taught me to sew and knit when I was about 4 years old and I will always be grateful to her for the pleasure and enjoyment it has given me over the years. 

That’s not to say there haven’t been moments of frustration when making something hasn’t gone quite  to plan, but it’s a learning curve and even after all this time I still enjoy new challenges.

I’m not quite sure how or when I became addicted to fabric.  I can’t resist the amazing colours and dynamic designs and so it seemed natural for me to open an online shop and share my love of fabric with the world.

And just in case you are wondering, as a child my family called me Suki rather than Sue. When I researched the meaning of the name, I found that it meant love which fitted perfectly with my passion for sewing and fabric.

The Website, together with my Facebook and Instagram pages, are constant works in progress but I hope you will visit often and enjoy what they have to offer.


10 Watson Close, Chester, CH4 0SS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7786 070648


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